The Pink Pomegranate

30 06 2008

The Pink Pomegranate

The Pink Pomegranate 

What’s this?!!!!

Hee hee, this is a very unique online hamper shop that a very good friend of mine set up.  I’m not getting commission for introducing her ‘shop’, merely helping.  What’s the different between this and other hamper shop?  Here’s a little info about them direct from their “About” page:

“Are you looking for a gift that is a refreshing alternative to the traditional wine and flower baskets? We offer a variety of upscale selections for you, whether fun, elegant, or unusual gift hampers

We carry the finest selections in our hampers – natural as well as organic foods and spa products for babies and adults, and the best quality clothing and toys for the young ones, carefully selected for maximum comfort and safety.

You will be bowled over by our fine products from The Face Shop, Badger Balms, California Baby, Earth’s Best, EO spa products, Mothercare , Gund toys, Thorncroft, Thomas Kemper, Kettle, Tyrrell’s, The Chocolat Factory (delectable gourmet chocolates in gorgeous packaging from Spain) and more!”

Plus, a comment from ME: My friend is a very very nice lady 😉 who gives excellent service, and, she does customising too!  So, if you’re looking for a hamper gift with a different, check them out.

The Pink Pomegranate