Goodbye Teddy

2 06 2008

This morning, I brought Teddy, my pet lop rabbit, back to B.

Teddy is really cute with a temper just like human being.  When he is happy, he will come to us and nibble our toes.  But when he is angry with me, he will face the wall and show me his bum!  And when he needs more hay, he will keep scratching his food tray or even flip it to get our attention.  Recently, he even jumped above the cage trying to get to my pots of plants.  He loves the leaves of the vegetable, and will usually eat the stem last.  He is even my companion when I watch my K-drama at night.

Even though Teddy has only been with us for just over 6 months, compared to the first time when I have to give up my Shetland Sheepdog, I’m really more sad this time round.  Felt so emotional and tears just flowed when we have to part.

And B said Teddy looked sad too.

“Teddy, I hope you will find a great owner real soon.  Gonna miss you.  Goodbye Teddy. 😦 “

Yakult Factory Tour

2 06 2008

Disappointing, ie, in MY opinion. 

The children: For 6yo Mr E, being one who loves general knowledge, he is totally fine with the nearly 1hour talk with a short ‘cartoon’ in the ‘classroom’.  For coming 4yo Ms Z, and other children her age, the classroom talk is simply too much.

Prior to the tour,  I do expect that such factory tour will certainly has certain degree of ‘brain-washing’ where they will try to tell you how good their products are.  BUT, 1 HOUR!!!  Kind of too much right?

So how long was the factory tour proper? I think it was between 10 to 15 minutes when we saw the few huge tank where the Yakult were being cultured.  What seemed to draw the children is the packing and bottle manufactoring process, and of course, the Yakult they got to enjoy during the 1 hour talk.

Is it worth going?  I guess for older children who are ready for such, it is still worth going.  E was really thrilled to see the process from bottle manufacturing to the final packed cartons.  BUT, just be prepared for the 1hour sit time in the classroom!

(I know I been mentioning “1 hour” so many times! 😛 An indication of my frustration over it.)

Will we go for another factory tour? Eh, actually I may plan a Gardenia Factory Tour sometime soon 😛  Will announce here if I do plan it.