Yum at Singapore’s own Little India

5 06 2008

Thanks to my husband, I now love Indian Vegetarian Food. 

Bhatoora – a ball like Indian fried bread, Poori – Bhatoora’s smaller cousin, Thosai – flat, cone, rolled up, etc, chilled cold Badam Milk, Sambar, Chana – Curried Chickpeas, Pappadam – the children’s favorite (and mine).

Need I say more? Pictures speak a thousand words.

Normally I do not have a sweet tooth, but while waiting for the rain to stop, we decided to have a go with the dessert. 😛 And yum, this time round, I started to appreciate it!  Didn’t ask for the names, got to make sure I do so next time.

My personal favorite restaurant is one called “Woodlands” at Upper Dickson Road, one of the lanes in Serangoon Road. (Note: it is not located at Woodlands.) Everytime I’m there with my children and helper, we never fail to amuse the waiters there who will serve us with tip top service! 🙂

And, today I just found another good reason why I like this particular shop: Their toilet is reasonably clean. (but no toilet paper, just bring in your own.)

Verdicts from the ‘eaters’:

Mr E: “Can we come again tomorrow? Please, please?”

Eve: “Thanks ma’am for such a yummy lunch.”

PS: Forgive my spellings which are not very authentic Indian.

A good workout

5 06 2008

I have been gaining weight, or rather, my tummy as been getting bigger.  It gets really embarressing when a few stallholders around my estate asked if I am pregnant!!! wah wah wah… wanna cry already!… Nope, I’m not!

The thing is, I’m eating very little already!  A slice of bread with plain water for breakfast, lunch is per normal, but dinner, I eat very little rice (2 big tablespoon?), and I hardly snack.  My killer is probably the chocolate, which I have also cut down a lot.

So what’s the problem??? I think its my extremely low metabolism rate.  I hardly exercise (don’t tell me to jog, I hate it!), and probably, the only exercise I enjoy is aerobic, which can be costly 😦

And just when I’m thinking desperately how to up my metabolism rate, my P6 girl started bringing badminton rackets to the playground.  And here we go, at least twice a week, I be playing badminton with the her! hee hee hee…

Today, I brought down another 2 more rackets, and we ended up having the other mummies wanting to play too!  So what we have here is… the older kids and the mummies play badminton, while the little ones cycle around or just play at the playground.  🙂  I see that the mummies are really happy to do some exercise.  The mummies, the older kids, and the young ones are all happy.  What great way to meet everybody’s needs 🙂