Wild Wild Wet and Escape Theme Parks

18 06 2008

The WildWildWet & Escape theme parks been around in Singapore for quite some time, and I have the impression that they are very crowded.  Being one who hates crowd, it has never dawn upon me to go to these 2 places.  But today, we went at last, but a little reluctantly on my end.

Brave and Adventurous Z

Today, Z has certainly shown fearlessness.  At Escape, she took the Family Coaster without knowing how fast it can be.  Though she was very shock at the end of it, she didn’t cry at all.  The only thing she said immediately when it stopped was “I want to get out”, and in a very calm manner.  I expected her to wail actually.

Before we left the park, the children wanted to take the Choo Choo Train.  I thought Z would be scared after the previous ride, but, she proved otherwise.  Happily hopped on the train and enjoyed the ride.


In my opinion, this park is way over-priced and over-rated.  My 6 and coming 4yo do not have many rides that are suitable for them.

The memory of the accident at Escape that happened years ago still send chills down my spine, and doesn’t really give me enough confidence to go on their rides.  A witness of a near accident today at the Go-Kart Track makes me even more unwilling to do anything more than the kiddy rides.

Wild Wild Wet

It is even cheaper than Escape, and certainly more worth the price.  

Both EZ wre hesitant about the slides, but by the end of the time there, they took up the courage and went on a few rounds.  For Z, her favorite is to hold on to the swimming ring and flow along the Shiok River.

I have to give tuition in the afternoon, as such, we didn’t have much time here, else we would have explored a few more things there.


I may not like it, but, the children certainly loves both park.  Our trips there were free today, but if I have to pay for it, I will visit Wild Wild Wet again, but not Escape.