Another one moved

24 06 2008

At this moment, I’m feeling a little solemn.  Another friend is now on the plane back to her hometown in States today.  Nice and inspiring lady, plus E gets along with her son very well.

Why didn’t I meet up with her more?

Why did I forget to give her a call this last few days?

What’s wrong with my memory!!??? I’m forgetting to do so many things!!!

While I really love and enjoy knowing people from various part of the world, but it is always so sad when we have to say good-bye – yikes… I hate goodbye… Shall we say “See you”.

As Singapore become more cosmopolitan, I know I have to get used to this and expect such to happen more.  Someday, I have to fulfill one of my wishes I made for the 2nd half of my life – ie, visit all my international friends.

“See you K, R and N.  Will see you again.”