He is enjoying his piano lessons

28 06 2008

E may not be musically inclined, in fact, he sings out of tune.  (Z can sing reasonably well without being out of tune.)

But, surprisingly, he really enjoys his piano.  He looks forward to every lesson, so much so that he said he dreamt about it last night!  And this week he actually practised happily without having me to remind him.

Ethan practising piano

I’m not trying to train a great musician in my household, but I just thought learning an instrument is a great hobby to pick up.  And I’m glad that E is catching on to it. 

Insecurity complex? Or I’m just normal?

28 06 2008

My helper is very nice.  She is hardworking, tolerance (I’m a fussy boss! :P), easily contented, not demanding, responsible, honest, mature, etc… She loves my children and take care of them well too.  Basically, what I’m trying to say is, I’m very please to have her as my live-in help.  Even many friends who know her think that she is very nice.

But but but… the monster side of me can get really uneasy when my children play with her too closely, ie, as if she is their mother!  This is really unavoidable since my hubby is usually oversea, and this left with me and my helper being the only 2 adults in the house.

So, for families out there with domestic helpers, I wonder how do you feel when you see your children SUPER close to your helper?  Do you get…. jealous????

I know I should be glad, cause if the children like (love) her, this means that she has been nice to the children, and I should be glad about it.

But, on the other hand, every adult surrounding my children are Mr and Ms Goodie, while here, ME, is the one who is strict and is constantly behind their backs barking and disciplining them!  That makes me the joy-killer, and Ms Bad Guy!  And, I hate that.  How I really wish I don’t have to be the “discipline master” in the house.

So…. How????  Sigh……

After months of struggle, well, I decided that: why should I be so insecured?  I should be confident and secured about myself in my role as the children’s mother.  Afterall, I’m the one who is hands-on, from feeding, bathing, reading, teaching, outings, etc.  And I should be glad that they have someone else who loves and cares for them in the house.  In fact, I should be thankful about it. 😀

~~~ Eve, Happy 3rd year with me.  Thanks for being my great helper 🙂 ~~~