Where is Mickey Mouse’s P???s?

28 05 2008

Zoe : Mummy, Mickey Mouse doesn’t have a body.

Me : Huh, have.  Just that Mickey Mouse doesn’t wear shirt.

Zoe : Why?

Me : Becasue Mickey Mouse is a boy.

Zoe : Mummy, Mickey Mouse doesn’t have P???s but gor-gor has.

Me : Huh, Mickey Mouse has.

Zoe : But I cannot see.

Me : Of course la.  Because Mickey Mouse wear a pant mah!!!

This exchange was when we were in the cab!!!!

Coincidence or God-incidence?

28 05 2008

Something caught my attention as I looked through my P3 and P5 student’s examination scripts.

My P5 student’s composition theme happened to be a topic that I covered with him during our tuition time!  As such, he was able to use many of the beautiful phrases that was taught.  His composition marks usually hover around 24/40, but because of this ‘coincidence’, his examination’s composition’s result was 29/40!

Coincidence or God-incidence?

I choose to believe it is God’s hands upon this boy, ie, God-incidence.  Look, I only manage to cover 3 composition themes, (1) park (2) fire (3) shopping mall, and there are so many different types of themes that can be tested.  But it just happened that the one we covered was being used in the exam!

It is really not about how powerful our prayer is upon them, but how good our God is towards the child.  You see, this pair of siblings only accepted Christ not too long ago, so this is really a practical time for them to see the reality of God in their life. 

Besides, my son was also praying for them throughout their examination period.  This certainly taught him to trust God in his own studies when he enters school.  (But of course, equal emphasize was placed upon hard-work on our part)


Be My Guest

26 05 2008

My dearest readers, may I ask if you can just leave a comment over at my guestbook, so that I can know a little about you?

Here’s the link::: ~~~ Be My Guest ~~~

Protected: Is she alright?

25 05 2008

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When tested

24 05 2008

Somehow one of my blog reader (PL 😉 )and I got in touch via email again and something that I wrote to her long time ago strikes me!  Somehow, I’m encouraged by my own words :P.  I wrote this to her:

“I struggle so so so much as a mum, reason being, I am not someone who is naturally giving, naturally loving children, naturally patient.  In fact, being grown up spoilt by my father (putting blame on someone else :P), I’m really someone hard to live with.

But by God’s grace, He has been constantly changing me, helping me, molding me to be of His likeness.  BUT, I am still a ‘work in progress’.  As such, motherhood is really a steep hill to climb for me.  My patient level is constantly tested, the craving for selfish ‘own-time’ is always battling with time with kids, the pressures of life is also constantly putting my faith to test too.
When Tommy Tenney was in town, he said this:
“God has to be silent when we are TESTED.”
“There is no TESTimony unless there is a TEST.”
The next time when we feel that we are in a difficult situation and wonder why is God silent – most likely He is testing us? Why? So that we will have a story and TESTimony to tell the world.

New mobile – Again!

23 05 2008

What’s the good thing about marrying techie man?

– You get techie gifts for special days!

What’s the bad thing about marrying such man?

– You don’t get woman’s best friend – diamond! (not my best friend, nice to have 1 or 2 :P)
Soul U900

So here it is, Samsung Soul SGH-U900.  I have not been keeping track of the latest mobile phone’s models, and I really have no idea if this phone is good.  Dan said it is very HOT now – hmmm… is it?

After playing it for hours today, erm, it is pretty cool.  It has the few main things I want in a mobile – a decent camera, MP3 player, radio.  There are many other nice to have features. Eh, I think I shall not elaborate much here.

My darling son gave me a nice greeting on the drawing board first thing in the morning:
My BD 2008

🙂 🙂 🙂

The 2nd half of my life

21 05 2008

Assuming that I will live till the age of 70, I have now lived half way through my life.  Time to think about the ‘Resolution’ for the 2nd half of my life, :

(In random order)

01. Have grandchildren – hahaha, by than my son will be 41, not unreasonable right 😉 and this just came to my mind first!

02. Go back to university – has been my wishlist for years.

03. Travelled a big part of the world and visited all my international friends at least once.

04. Be a blessing to the people around me.

05. Learn to play the piano – another unfulfilled wishlist.

06. Done at least 1 thing that has made the world a more beautiful place – Inspired by the book Ms Rumphius.

07. See all my love ones saved.

08. See my children (and their children) walk with Jesus.

09. Be patient – My most deadly trait that kills everything else is my impatience. Hopefully by the time I’m 70, this will change.

10. (To be filled, since human changed as we grow.)

On Top Of The World – The Singapore Flyer

18 05 2008

Yup, we went on The Singapore Flyer today!!!  Again, all thanks to close relative who works in the tourism industry 😀

The children were super excited about it, and of course, they love it!  As for me, erm, ok only la!  Don’t know why, I find it “No big deal.”  I think it is so slow, so crowded, so noisy, so long qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.

So slow: Probably because I’m one who goes for thrill ride more than such slow and sturdy kind of thing. 

So crowded: Each capsule has a capacity of 28, so many!

So noisy: Imagine how noisy it can be with at least half of this 28 being children. (Of course the main ‘noise pollution’ comes from my kiddos :P)  So, for the romantic seekers, I think the traditional ferries wheel is still better.

So long Q: The slot given was 7:30pm, but by the time we were on it, it was 8:45! Makes me wonder what’s the point of giving a time slot.

My suggestions if you are going:

  1. Don’t go on a weekends. The crowd and queue is CRAZY. (We went on a Saturday evening, I think it is the most crowded day of the week to go.)
  2. If you are going with a stroller/pram, make sure you deposit them at the ‘Baggage Check-In’ before you start queuing for the ride cause stroller/pram are not allowed, and the Baggage Check-In is about 5-10 minutes walk away from where the Q is!
  3. If you have no choice but to go during peak time, bring along some snacks to keep the children occupied.
  4. If you are going at night, and you only have a so-so camera, erm, you will not have that great pictures.  Which spells why I’m not posting any photos.  In my own opinion, and having done it at night, I think it may be better to go on it in the day time.

Having said all these, The Singapore Flyer is certainly something children will love.

Happy Flying. 🙂

Jehovah Jireh – Our Provider

15 05 2008

Looking back at how God has been landing tuition assignment on my laps, I can only says “He is Jehovah Jireh – Our Provider.”

The Little Thought: I want to be with my children for the most part of the time, and I also hope to have some income, not just to supplement the household financially, but also to get me ready when I return back to the job market.  The only part-time job that I have been thinking for a long time is tutoring. 

Problem:  I was off touch from the primary school curriculum, and certainly don’t want to put any students at risk by just going out to take on random students.  Plus, I dislike getting jobs through tuition agency.  So, there I was, wanted to give tuition, but no lead, no idea how.

His leading, His Provision: Middle of last year, my sister asked me to help with her P2 girl who was having problem coping.  And that was my first tutoring job after such long break.  Beginning of this year, with both niece and nephew in the morning session, I started tutoring both of them, P3 and P5.  So here I am, building up my tutoring experience for P2, 3 and 5.

More  thought: Around March, I was again thinking, it would be great to have another student in my neighborhood so that I can teach from my home.  Again, no lead, and no idea how.  Plus I’m not the type who will go around slotting ads into people’s letterbox. 

More Leading More Provision: Few days back, a neighbor approached me to help her girl.  Today, the assignment is confirmed, I be tutoring the girl from the comfort of my home, and another new primary level to teach.

I look back in awe at the working of His hands. Step by step, He leads and He provides.  And He even blessed the works of our hands.  Thank you God.

PS: Tutoring is not just a ‘convenient’ part time job for me to earn extra income.  It is something I truely enjoy and love to do.  I love the children, I love to teach, and I love the job satisfaction I gain from it.

They Did Well

15 05 2008

Thank God Thank God Thank God.

I’m not a mum to primary school age children, but since I started tutoring my niece and nephew, I started to feel the heat during exam period.  It doesn’t help that weeks prior to exam, the 2 would do quite badly for the pass  past (typo :P) year school exam paper.  That got me panick.

On the other hand, it is also very humbling time.  Everytime during exam period, I have to come to God to ask him for the ‘key’ to get the kiddos to do well, and God is good, he has not failed to show us.

Now that the results are in, I just want to rejoice and celebrate!!!  And start to breathe… Phew!!!!!!!!

Thank You God.  You are the One.