Too worried to sleep

1 06 2008

Its 2am, and I still can’t sleep.  My mind has been filled with worry over Ms Z.  She has been having this running nose for last 2 weeks.  By now, I’m suspecting it is due to my pet rabbit already.

It all started with Mr E.  He had this morning running nose which was under control after I gave up my Shetland Sheepdog for adoption.  Silly me took it for granted and agreed to adopt the rabbit without thinking twice.  And now, Mr E’s running nose in the morning has become so regular!

And I thought Ms Z is exempted.  But the more I think of it, the more I suspect her 2 weeks of running nose is due to allergy and not cold/flu.

I have been having sinus for the entire of my life.  Today, it is under control cause I’m on steroid.  I remember being sent out of the classroom by my Primary school Chinese teacher because I was too slow to take out my text.  And why was I slow? Because of my drippy nose.

Steroid is not the answer. I don’t even know what are the side effects that I will see down the road.  After years of using steroid, I can say that my sinus has turned from mild to acute, cause I’m simply “un-functionable”!

So, not difficult to understand why am I worried till I can’t sleep right?

Have been thinking of giving the rabbit away, but can’t get myself to do it.  Thank God for the answer, cause 2 days back, my hubby wanted me to send the rabbit away.  And I believe it is an answer and affirmation from God on what I should do next.  So, Teddy will be going back to his ex-owner.

PS::: Please leave a comment if you are keen to adopt this rabbit.  Click here for his picture.