Chinese Books at National Library

23 06 2008

Chinese books from NLB 

These are the kind of Chinese books I found from our National Libraries.  Were I blind or what? I never noticed that our NLB carries Chinese books translated from the English version.

So, with the high inflation rate now, looks like my trips to Maha Yu Yi Bookstore will be greatly reduced since I can borrow these types of Chinese books from the library.

BUT – you do need to look a little bit harder to find them though.

Going to library is much more fruitful now than before.  E now appreciate it better.  He used to go to the library to play the computers there!  I was so mad with it that I put a total stop to it and ban him from touching any of the computers. 

Actually, at times, a little bit of insistance from our side is necessary.  Cause since than, E goes to the library not for the computers, but for the books.  And he looks forward to every trip there.  I no longer need to select books for him, but he will just go around looking for the books he like.

E’s current craze is Enid Blyton’s The Secret Seven and Famous Five.  I certainly prefer Enid’s books of such genre than those about wizards, magics, weird stuffs.  My only complain is: the NLB’s collection over at the branch near our home is not a lot.