Set a good example…

9 06 2008

… so the children will learn from it.

My mother is one who is very helpful and sensitive to the needs of the needy.  When she sees elderly people, she will help them.  When she sees pregnant woman, she will give up her seat, when she sees young children, she will also do likewise.

As such, I see what she has been doing, and I learn from her.  And now, likewise, I hope to impart (typo:impact) the helpful virtue to my children.

Was on the crowded Ikea shutterbus and both EZ have no seats and got to stand.  E is old enough to stand, but Z, it can be a little difficult. We were standing in front of this mummy who was sitting with her Primary 2 or 3 daughter. 

Not that I am hard up for a seat, BUT, she is a mum, her daughter is old enough to seat on her own, what kind of example is this mum setting for her daughter?  She herself has a 2 or 3 yo boy who was sitting a few seats away with the maid, she should know the needs of children at such age right?

I hear lots of complains about unhelpful youths.  Well, how can we raise up a generation of youth with a good heart if we are not setting an example for them to learn from?

A few years back, we were at Mac when a Secondary school boy knocked on us and spilt (typo:spilled) our drinks.  Not him, but his friend apologised to us!  I told the friend that “You are a very well mannered young man.”

Now, back to that mum with her girl, what kind of hidden lesson is the girl learning from her mum?

Lastly, remember this:

“They (The children) are WATCHING YOU.”