White Bread Recipe for Breville Breadmaker

26 06 2008

Yes, I got my breadmaker.  But, has all breads made so far been yummy?  – NO!!!!!

Like what my sister-in-law told me, bread recipes for a particular breadmaker may not work for another brand.  And this is so true!

Anyway, I finally got the combination right for MY Breville breadmaker!

Here’s a recipe for Basic White Bread.  I will post its variations as I try more along the way.

Cheese Herb Bread
Pictured here is actually Cheese Herb Bread.


Makes full pan.


  • Milk – 250ml (warmed)
  • Water – 50ml (warmed)
  • Butter – 60g (melted)
  • Salt – 1 tsp (I put slightly lesser cause I prefer it less salty)
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp
  • Bread flour -450g
  • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) – 250mg (I use normal Vitamin C pills and crush it)
  • Yeast – 2 1/4 tsp


  1. Pour Ingredients into bread pan according to sequence.
  2. Selet “Basic” and choose Light Crust.
  3. When the cycle completes and the crust is not baked to desired, select the bake only and bake for another 5 minutes.


  • Do not open the lid when the dough is rising.
  • When the cycle completes, take the bread out immediately to prevent shrinking and sweating of bread.
  • If the bread is to be consumed for more than 1 day, do not over bake it cause overbaking it will cause the bread to be too hard on the 2nd day.  In fact, stop the baking if it is browned enough before the time is up. (This is something I learnt the hard way.)

PS: I noticed there are quite a handful of reader who reach me when searching for bread recipe for Breville Breadmaker.  So this post is really for YOU if you found my blog this way.